About Us

Eagle Eye CNC. Inspired by my love of engineering and craftmanship.

My love for crafting and making things started as a young boy. I will always remember receiving my first pen knife and hurrying to find a stick to carve. I did not stop there! As much as I loved creating things, I also enjoyed taking them apart to see how they work and putting them back together again (although much to my mums despair I broke many toys and household items this way). This led me to develop a passion for engineering and has given me the ability to fix things that most people would deem beyond repair and normally throw away.

I began my professional career working with my Father in the building trade. The building trade has been passed down through my family and I am the third generation. Carpentry has always been my favourite part of the building trade and has provided me with the fundamental skills of working with wood.

I went on to further my skillset working for JW Withy's Light Engineering as a Programmer and Operator of a large CNC bed mill. This inspired me to build a CNC machine of my own and Launch Eagle Eye CNC.